In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, we invite you to join us in praying the rosary & litany on February 11th after the 9 am Mass in the Chapel.
Deacon Juan and Nancy Garza are planning to have an informational meeting on Friday, February 21st at 6 pm in the St. Joseph's Center.
Invite your friends and family to this meeting, as we will discuss the details of this next adventure of our faith.
This Great Pilgrimage following in the footsteps of St. Paul in a journey to Greece and Turkey. Stand where St. Paul stood and preached to the Greeks, the home of our Blessed Mother in Ephesus, explore Istanbul(Constantinople) and one of the most beautiful churches ever built and the largest for a thousand years, the Hagia Sophia.
This is a 15-day journey through Greece & Türkiye. You will see Corinth, Cenchrae, Thessaloniki, Veria, Amphipolis, Philippi, Neapolis, Istanbul, Cappadocia, Konya, Pisidia, Tel Colossae, Laodicea, Hieropolis, Athens, Ephesus, and much more!
Here is the link to explore in depth all the wonderful destinations that await us
Blessings in Christ,
Deacon Juan Garza and Nancy Garza
Want to learn more about the Society? Join us for an informational meeting. Tuesday, February 25th, at 6 pm in the St. Joseph Center, Room 9. Spirituality, Friendship, Service. Make a difference in our community. For more information, please call 931-218-3120 or [email protected]
Now, Lourdes comes to us through a
Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience on
Tuesday, February 25th from 9 am - 2:30 pm at ICS
or 6pm in the Main Church.
With the grace of a plenary indulgence, this interactive, prayerful experience “transports" us to the Grotto in Lourdes through projected imagery, an in-person guide, actual pieces of the grotto rock and Lourdes water. The rosary and Eucharistic blessing are sacred parts of this profound experience.
Come and experience the peace and healing of Lourdes without the international travel. Invite your family, children, and friends; Our Lady extends her invitation to all!
To register please click on the link below:
Join us for fun money gaming, silent auction, beer, wine, food & fun!
Purchase tickets at Immaculate Conception School, Pre-School and Church Office. All proceeds benefit Immaculate Conception School.
Queridos Hermanos en Cristo, el Movimiento de Renovación Carismática de la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción TE INVITA a participar en su próximo Retiro de Evangelización el 14, 15 y 16 de Marzo, 2025. Cristo llamó a sus discípulos y les invitó apartarse para orar. ¡Hoy recibes TU la invitación de apartarte un poco del mundo que te rodea y disponerte a estar a los pies del Maestro y tener un encuentro personal con EL! Regístrate después de Misa de 1 pm afuera del Templo Principal, el 2 y 9 de Marzo o también puedes registrarte el Viernes 14 de Marzo de 4:30 pm a 5:30 pm en el Centro San Jose (abajo). Artículos necesarios: Objetos de higiene personal (ropa, zapatos cómodos, cobijas, sabanas, almohada, linterna, libreta, pluma y Biblia). ¡NO LO PIENSES MAS! ¡CRISTO TE ESPERA CON LOS BRAZOS ABIERTOS Y NOSOTROS TAMBIEN!
Two-night options: March 18th or March 20th from 6 pm to 8 pm in the Main Church.
Altar Servers, Choir Members, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters, Lectors, Sacristans & Ushers. Please plan to attend one of the sessions. This training session is for all current and those interested in becoming ministers. For more information, please call Deacon Juan Garza at 931-645-6275.