In cooperation with the Holy Spirit, OCIA enables adults to gradually journey toward being baptized as a new Catholic, or for already baptized persons, to journey into full communion with the Catholic Church.
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Catholic Faith;
If you are a baptized Catholic but have never received communion or confirmation;
If you are Catholic and interested in being a sponsor for someone joining the faith,
OCIA offers a journey of faith, by teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, forming the soul in prayer, and explaining the beauty of the rites of the Catholic Church. The Gospel-based catechetical process includes liturgical formation, scriptural formation, practical formation and fellowship with other Christians in a pastoral atmosphere of care and service.
Are you curious and have questions about Catholicism?
Please also join us Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the Saint Joseph Center for an informal Questions and Answers sessions.
(June - August only the First Wednesday of every Month.)
You are “received” into the Church at an evening candlelight Mass
at the Easter Vigil.
You become a member of the Mystical Body of Christ.
If you are not Baptized: you will receive the forgiveness of your sins and be reborn of “water & spirit” (Baptism).
You receive an anointing of the Holy Spirit (Confirmation).
You receive Our Lord in the Eucharist (First Communion).
Sundays 9:15 am to 10:30 am
St. Joseph Center
709 Franklin St.
Clarksville, TN 37040
Deacon Juan Garza
Director of Faith Formation
931-645-6275 X119
[email protected]
Pat Paszek
OCIA Coordinator
[email protected]